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A Modern Parable

I read the following posted on Facebook today...

"A public union employee, a tea party activist, and a CEO are sitting at a table with a plate of a dozen cookies in the middle of it.

The CEO takes 11 cookies, turns to the tea partier and says, 'Watch out for that union guy. He wants a piece of your cookie.' "
There are several versions of this floating around the Internet, so I don't know its author.

The Republican Governor of Wisconsin's proposal to strip public sector unions of most collective bargaining rights was approved last Friday by the Wisconsin Assembly. 

Everyone by now understands that we are facing huge budget deficits across the United States.  Everyone understands that we have to make reductions in spending.  The trick is making the cuts that will do the least harm and maintain essential services.  Using this budget crisis to abolish workers' rights is unprincipled and dishonorable. 

I am tired of the anti-union rhetoric, but I am also tired of extreme positions on both sides of the issue.  Tea party members and Republicans are not the only ones who recognize that we need to get our budgets under control.  The only way we can resolve the differences is not by heavy handed proclamations, but by respecting each other, finding common ground, and making compromises.

It's another one of those lessons from kindergarten...nobody gets cookies unless you have enough for everyone!

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